Wednesday, June 11, 2014

No Mobile Website is Business Suicide

Chances are you are reading this article on your mobile device, 72% to be exact! We now live in a mobile world and have become accustomed to the fact that we can get our information 24/7 and we like it fast.
You don’t have to look too far to find someone on his or her mobile phone, whether you are out to dinner at a restaurant with your spouse or on the way to and from work in the car next to you. (I don’t recommend by the way)

The desktop website has become the new house phone, “Everyone has one, but nobody uses it anymore” if at all. Cell phones and mobile devices have definitely changed the way we live our daily lives, but has it affected the way we do business?

You bet you it has! One would say that if you are a business owner and you haven’t decided to “Go Mobile”, you are committing business suicide.

By 2015, there will be more mobile phones on the planet than there will be human beings. Scary, isn’t it?

Over 60% of all businesses don’t have a mobile website and they wonder why their business has dropped considerably. Most business owners are stuck in the Stone Age and feel that their reputation is what will keep them in afloat. I agree that a good reputation is great to have for a business owner, but that is only good for current customers, but what about the new customers that don’t know anything about you?

These are the customers that are going to keep your business alive and striving. Think about the last time you went to a business within 24 hours of looking at it on your desktop, probably didn’t happen! Your favorite program came on the tube and you forgot all about it.

  The Mobile User

Mobile users are local users and here’s some stats that will mean something to you: 95% of mobile users have searched for local information, 61% of users call a business and 59% visit the location, and 90% of these people act within 24 hours.

One can’t argue that it is essential to have a mobile website for any type of business.

What are the consequences of not having a mobile website? Well, you can say “Goodbye” to those customers that you didn’t even know existed.

40% of those customers have turned to a competitor’s site after having a bad mobile experience. And 57% of mobile users will not recommend a business with a bad mobile website.

If you’re not Visible, You will become Invisible

I couldn’t agree more with a quote I read in an article, “If you are not visible, you will become invisible”. And the worst part of this is that most business owners that only have a desktop website believe they are fine and it’s not for them. Little do they know, its Everything! And don’t get me started on mobile marketing, which is a whole other topic that we will talk about another time. The times are changing and businesses will have to adapt or pay the consequences.

 I am sure we can all agree that it is crucial for any business with an online presence to have a mobile website, but where do you start?

Where to start?

 The first thought that comes to mind would be to contact the original developer that created your desktop website in the first place. However, if he is your “guy”, why hasn’t he reached out to you to keep you updated with the times? Chances are he is no longer with that company or he no longer does websites out of his basement. Don’t get me wrong, there are many great developers out there that keep their clients updated as well as make a mobile site for them, but honestly, their time is valuable and well justified. Who really has or wants to pay another 3 to 5k for their mobile website? I know I don’t.

Fortunately, there are alternatives that are affordable and effecient, but if you really think about it cost is irrelevant when you compare the amount of customers you have lost or are going to lose over the course of the life of your business. As the old saying goes “it takes money to make money” which is so true especially in this matter.

Desktop vs. Mobile

Lets talk about some of the things that a mobile website can give you that a desktop cannot: A desktop website gives you a lot of information in a limited amount of space and that’s not what mobile users want or need. They need to Find You, Call You or Text You and anything else is just bonus for them. Mobile habits are different than the desktop user. We have to keep in mind they are on the move and they are looking to follow through with some kind of action. Some of the features that are important to have on a mobile website are: Click to Call, Click to Find, Click to Text and Click to Email. Additional features that will only enhance your mobile presence include: Restaurant Menus, Open Table Integration, Image, Galleries, YouTube Videos, Google Checkout and PayPal Buttons to name a few.

Mobile Marketing

 I know that I said I would talk about mobile marketing at a later time, however it is difficult since it’s such an integral role in the mobile world. It is all in one package. Mobile Website, Social Marketing, Mobile Marketing, etc…
I know it’s a lot to put your head around and it sounds confusing, but in order to stay ahead of the competition you have to get involved. You aren’t going to learn it overnight but it will grow on you and before you know it you will become a pro and build a new customer base at the same time. What is more exciting than that?

It’s all-FREE

I have always been baffled when I run across business owners that don’t have any interest in social media, mobile marketing or mobile websites. It’s like please get on the boat or you are going to be left behind. Especially, when all the social marketing is FREE!

Yes I said FREE!! All social marketing is FREE, all it takes it just a little bit of your time to get plugged in and it will change the destiny of your business.

If you still don’t believe the hype, think about the last time you saw a Pepsi commercial on TV? It’s probably been awhile, right? Well its because they moved all their advertising dollars into social media! Yep, Social media! Why?

Because that is where all the customers are… Facebook alone has 1,310,000,000 members and Twitter has 645,750,00 members. And these are only two of the many FREE social sites out there. There’s also, Google Plus, Instagram, Linkedin plus others.

You don’t have to take my word for it, just spend a few minutes on Google and you won’t believe what you will find.

        The Bottom Line

We can all agree that we are part of the mobile revolution in one way or another, as a Business Owner, Consumer or just a Socialite, but nonetheless The Mobile World is here. We cannot escape it.
The facts have been stated and now it is up to you to do your own research and find out if this is right for you and your business. I would recommend to get signed up with every social network available to you, considering it’s FREE! That’s a start! And there are many resources available that can make it simple for you! Next, get yourself a mobile website and let potential customers know you are part of their world. Once you get the hang of it, get that mobile marketing plan together and become part of an ever so growing mobile community. Your business deserves it!! Good Luck!
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                                                                                   For additional resources and to receive a FREE Mobile Website Preview!